
Talking with families when the death of their child becomes a likely outcome is challenging. This simulation day is designed to help develop your technique for introducing concepts of death and dying, advanced care planning and parallel planning. The day will be run in small groups, using actors with feedback from expert faculty. This course is aimed at doctors and nurses of all grades. Please note this course is being held virtually via zoom.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Establish methods to broach difficult conversations surrounding death
  • Practise how to approach families and staff members when dealing with sick children
  • Understand and raise your situational awareness of how to handle these situations

Course Outline

Within this course you will:

  • Complete a taught session with Q & A
  • Introduction to Simulation and Simulation Safety
  • Take part in scenarios with actors

Dates and Times

This course requires registration prior to purchase, for more information and to purchase this course, please click here.