
This course is for all heath care professionals working with patients who have undergone a bone marrow transplant.

What you will learn on Day 1: 

  • An understanding of the immune system
  • An introduction to conditions requiring a bone marrow transplant
  • The nursing care needs of patients undergoing a bone marrow transplant
  • The basic knowledge of how donors are found and patients are worked up for BMT
  • The basic knowledge of information parents are given
  • An overview of the supportive care medications
  • An introduction to CAR-T cell therapy

What you will learn on Day 2:

  • An understanding of the most common complications of transplant and the nursing management of these
  • An understanding of the discharge planning process
  • An understanding of the after discharge care and follow up

To complete this course you will be expected to attend both days. 

Day One = 9am-5pm

Day Two = 9am-1pm.

Dates and Times:

This course requires registration prior to purchase, for more information and to purchase this course, please click here.