
Have you had a period of absence from training or practice? Are you feeling rusty, or just a bit apprehensive about your return?

Who should come on this course?

ACPs and doctors in training from a paediatric, anaesthetic, and paediatric critical care background, who are returning after a period of absence for any reason.

Why This Course?

Anticipating returning to training is a 1/2 day course which aims to improve your confidence in navigating the challenges associated with the care of unwell paediatric patients.   You will be given the opportunity to update your skills and identify areas which may benefit from additional training.

What will the course cover?

This day will be held online and aims to give trainees the opportunity to rotate through 6 different stations to update their skills and identify areas which may benefit from additional training.

Dates and Times

This course requires registration prior to purchase, for more information and to purchase this course, please click here.